Your spot for
online English

Hi! Great to see you.

Come along and let’s have some fun!

Take an
online English language course.


That is, while driving, in your room, on a walk, or on the hamac.
Wherever and whenever you’re at ease

But how?

You won’t get downloadable self-study materials in pdf or some fancy format with an *exclusive* online meeting with me. 


It’s all live and in real time



Pictures? Texts? Assignments? Audio recordings? Videos? Yes. All this and more is waiting for you to dive in. 

Grab the materials and topics to meet your needs during each of our online meetings. 

Because you are not anyone. 

All you need is...

A laptop or your mobile. An internet connection that allows you to chat and… a cup of warm tea. 

Just so it’s enjoyable.

What’s your favourite? Google Meet? Skype? Let me know.

How much is it?

No hidden catch. Simple rules.

Individual meetings

[single meeting]
60 minutes = 25 Euro


Get back to me, we’ll talk and I’ll diagnose your needs.

Contact me!

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